What is 710?
Some of you may be asking, what is 710 and what are we celebrating? 710, or 7/10, held on July 10th, is a national cannabis holiday to celebrate cannabis concentrates like live rosin, resin, crumble, shatter, budder, cannabis oil, and more. Why 710? Well, 710 upside down spells OIL. Just like the notorious 420 cannabis holiday, it’s hard to pin down exactly where this “710” term originated. Some say it ties back to the Grateful Dead — cannabis icons of the sixties. Apparently members of the Grateful Dead lived and worked out of a house on 710 Ashbury Street in San Francisco. Other sources say it originated on Urban Dictionary in 2007 when a “dumb blonde” joke surfaced on the website. As the story goes, a dumb blonde walks into an auto shop panicked that her “710 cap” had fallen off her car, completely oblivious to the fact that she read the word “OIL” upside down. No matter the origin, another day to celebrate cannabis is always welcome.

How to Celebrate 710
The first 710 celebration occurred in 2013 in Denver at the first ever 710 Cup. July 10th, 2013 fell on a wednesday, so the celebration took place the following weekend. It was a weekend full of art vendors, glass blowing, live music, speakers and more. A lot of cannabis-friendly states have followed suit and created their own 710 celebrations like Boston’s 710 Information Sesh, Miami’s 710 Dab Day, and 710 HashTour in Oregon City, just to name a few. Hot Box Social, a cannabis lounge in Metro Detroit, is having their own 710 celebration as well with food trucks, vendors, music, and more!
If large events aren’t your thing, you can also celebrate by stopping by your local cannabis dispensary to take advantage of the special deals on cannabis concentrates. Just like other cannabis holidays, like 4/20 and Green Wednesday, 7/10 is a great day to shop!

710 Labs
Brad Melshenker took advantage of the national holiday and created a cannabis brand called 710 Labs, focused on making the best small batch cannabis on the market, with a heavy focus on cannabis concentrates. 710 labs believes in quality over everything – quality people, quality thinking, quality expression, and quality of life – so they are a perfect fit for Quality Roots. We are so excited that their products have finally hit the Michigan market and are available in our stores. 710 Labs is a hype brand that deserves the hype. Shop with us during the week of July 10th (July 6th through the 12th) and get 23% off all cartridges and concentrates store wide, including 710 labs products!
For more information on cannabis concentrates, check out this blog: What Are Cannabis Concentrates, Oils, and Extracts?
Exclusive 710 Labs Raffle & Giveaway
Visit Quality Roots during the week of 710 to enter exclusive raffles and check out our limited time deals!
Any 710 purchase = a single ticket into the raffle. You can get multiple tickets for multiple purchases!
Raffle ticket winners will be randomly selected across all stores.
3 Gift bags will be awarded including:
- 1 Terp Cooler (valued at $300+)
- Two swag bags (valued at $150 and $100)
Doorbuster gift with purchase:
- First 15 customers to purchase 710 Labs product will receive a 710 Labs Hat
First 40 customers to purchase 710 Labs product will receive a 710 Labs Microfiber Towel